Valley Box was challenged by a San Diego Aerospace company, to deliver a creative reusable shipping crate solution for their specific shipping needs.
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A San Diego Aeronautical Parts Manufacturer needed a Returned Materials Authorization (RMA) solution for their customer's returning expired units for diagnostics or repair.
In order to improve turnaround time on shipped units, the company wanted to use the same container for shipping both the replacement and the returning unit.
Valley Box designed a standardized reusable shipping crate that allowed for the expired units to fit in the same shipping container that the replacement units arrived in. This eliminated the need for multiple shipping containers.
To guard against shipping wear & tear and to increase the life of the reusable shipping crate the following upgrades were added;
- Internal steel structure
- Protective still weldments
- Exterior paint
- Industrial grade carpeting
It's amazing how efficient a reusable shipping crate can be in benefiting your company! Valley Box company provides customers with the right tools to optimize your shipping process and increase your service capabilities, all while increasing efficiency and cutting costs.