Choosing the right crate services for your company is important to your bottom line. The right packing crate design can help increase efficiency and production by enhancing your manufacturing and packaging capabilities.
More importantly, when you make the right match, you can rest easy knowing that your packing crate services has your best interests in mind and in all likelihood, your shipment will arrive on time and unscathed. In the unlikely event that your package sustains any damages, the right packing crate services company will be there to pick up the pieces and make it right.
To make sure you’re on the road to choosing the perfect packing crates for your company, the following packaging tips will provide some guidance.

When evaluating a new crating vendor:
1) Always get at least 3 competitive quotes.
2) Weigh factors such as damage costs, packing labor costs, and re-usability savings.
3) Make sure the service has a competitive cost structure.
4) Consider companies that purchase packing materials near their location. This will help reduce costs even more.
5) Evaluate not only price, but quality, efficiency, and level of customer service.
6) Consider convenience. A packing crate company that is located near clients’ facilities can help reduce freight costs.
7) Consider longevity. A company that has provided packing services for at least 10 years is definitely worth considering.
When reviewing your crating vendor:
Once you’ve made a good match and the relationship is well underway, it’s a good idea to keep the lines of communication open—especially when it comes to damage claims and other sensitive issues. You should also continue to hold the packing crate services to the highest standards—the same standards that helped seal the deal. Companies should:
8) Communicate successfully completed and damaged shipments for review.
9) Supply pictures of packaged products with damage claims.
10) Install damage indicators to rule out mishandling (when in doubt).
If you would like to begin your search for a crate services company you can trust, you can start right here at Valley Box.